IGU CDES 2025 Annual Conference will be held at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, September 24-26.

Although the IGU Commission on the Dynamics of Economic Spaces (CDES) has a long history, its mission and tasks have not fundamentally changed, they have only adapted to new challenges. Our Commission aims to extend international research and cooperation in economic geography through
- the development and dissemination of critical theoretical, conceptual and methodological frameworks,
- the conduct of rigorous empirical and policy analyses,
- the building of research capacity in economic geography in different national and institutional contexts.
The IGU CDES wants to promote joint international research activities and the dissemination of research findings, as well as to facilitate the transfer of knowledge about economic geography and associated policy-related issues between countries and institutions. The Commission wants to play a leading international role in the development, promulgation and dissemination of new ideas in economic geography through the development of a strong analytical perspective on the processes, problems and policies associated with the dynamics of local and regional economies as they are incorporated into a globalized world economy.
Developing the teaching of economic geography, both theoretically and methodologically, in various educational institutions and in different countries around the world is also an important task for us.
With the organization of smaller conferences, so-called “mini-conferences” we aim to bring together small groups of scholars for in-depth discussion on some of the latest issues in the field of economic geography.