IGU CDES 2025 Annual Conference will be held at the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, Poland, September 24-26.


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For more than 50 years the International Geographical Union (IGU) has recognised the contributions of economic geographers from around the world to the international geographical community by designating a research commission embracing aspects of economic geography.

The present Commission of “The Dynamics of Economic Spaces” (CDES) is dedicated to advancing international research, scholarship, and collaboration in economic geography. The annual conferences provide excellent opportunities for a more thorough discussion of a given topic in economic geography and to deepen international relations in this field of geography.

I trust that the Commission's website will, on the one hand, provide relevant information about research, events and publications for those working in the field of economic geography. On the other hand, it can contribute to the exchange of information among the membership on issues related to economic geography. All of this can promote the strengthening of international relations and the fact that our field of science participates as actively as possible in this extremely fast-changing world and in addressing the various challenges facing economic geography. The Committee’s annual conference provides a good opportunity for this, when we discuss issues and challenges in more detail.

I hope that we will continue to build the "science of dynamic economic spaces" together, in which, as the Chair of the Commission, I count on the work of the Steering Committee and the wider membership.

I am also convinced that all of us who are committed to economic geography will achieve significant results in increasing the prestige of our scientific field so that, in the future, economic geography will continue to occupy a worthy place in the science of geography.

Prof. Eva Kiss